Chicago city sayings

1. "City of Big Shoulders" - This phrase, coined by poet Carl Sandburg, refers to the hardworking and resilient nature of the people of Chicago.

2. "The Windy City" - Chicago is often called the Windy City, not because of its weather, but because of the long-winded politicians who were known to blow hot air.

3. "Chi-Town" - A popular nickname for Chicago, derived from the city's name.

4. "Second City" - Chicago is often referred to as the Second City, a nickname that originated from the city's rebuilding after the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, making it the second largest city in the United States at the time.

5. "Hog Butcher for the World" - Another line from Carl Sandburg's poem, this phrase refers to Chicago's historical role as a major meatpacking center.

6. "Sweet Home Chicago" - This phrase is often used to express love and pride for the city of Chicago, and is also the title of a famous blues song.

7. "The City That Works" - This slogan was used in the 1980s to highlight Chicago's reputation as a hardworking and industrious city.

8. "Da Bears" - A phrase made famous by Chicago Bears fans, referring to their beloved football team.

9. "Chi-Raq" - A more recent nickname for Chicago, highlighting the city's struggles with gun violence and crime.

10. "The Loop" - Refers to the downtown area of Chicago where the elevated train tracks form a loop.

Above is Chicago city sayings.

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