Children of the corn sayings

"Outlander! Outlander! We have your woman!" - Malachai

"He wants you too, Malachai. He wants you too." - Isaac

"Behold, a dream did come to me, and the Lord did show all of this to me." - Isaac

"Isaac, the Lord did not speak." - Malachai

"He wants you too, Malachai. He wants you too." - Isaac

"Malachai, he's a man of God." - Isaac

"Outlander, we have your woman." - Malachai

"Isaac, the Lord did not speak." - Malachai

"Outlander, you will not leave Gatlin." - Malachai

"Outlander, Outlander, we have your woman." - Malachai

Above is Children of the corn sayings.

Enjoy the ride sayings

1. Life is a journey, enjoy the ride.2. Embrace the journey and enjoy the ride.3. The destination is important, but so is enjoying the ride.4. Life is like a rollercoaster, enjoy the ride.5. Don't rush through life, enjoy the ride.6. Every moment is a gift, so enjoy the ride.7. Take tim

Aesthetic yellow sticker sayings

1. Sunshine mixed with a little hurricane2. Stay golden3. Good vibes only4. Happiness is homemade5. Radiate positivity6. Chase the sun7. Spread kindness like confetti8. Find joy in the ordinary9. You are my sunshine10. Dream big, shine bright

Batman in disguise turkey sayings

1. I am the Dark Knight of Thanksgiving, ready to protect the turkey at all costs.2. I may be dressed as a turkey, but I still have the skills of the Caped Crusader.3. Even in disguise, I will ensure that justice is served for all turkeys.4. Gotham City may be my home, but today I am the guar

Chinese sayings for appreciation

1. 感恩之心,永不忘记。(Gǎn ēn zhī xīn, yǒng bù wàng jì) - A heart of gratitude never forgets.2. 有福同享,有难同当。(Yǒu fú tóng xiǎng, yǒu nán tóng dāng) - Share blessings together, face difficulties together.3. 感恩图报,报恩无穷。(Gǎn ēn tú bào, bào ēn wú qióng) - Repay kindness with gratitude, kindness knows no bounds.4. 感恩

My time has come to an end sayings

1. It's not the end, it's just a new beginning.2. All good things must come to an end.3. Every ending is a new beginning.4. As one chapter ends, another begins.5. The end of one journey is the beginning of another.6. When one door closes, another one opens.7. Endings are just opportunit

Girls sayings

1. Girls just wanna have fun.2. Girls rule, boys drool.3. Who run the world? Girls!4. Girls support girls.5. Girls can do anything boys can do, and better.6. Empowered women empower women.7. Strong women lift each other up.8. Girls with dreams become women with vision.9. Well-behave

Italian goodnight sayings

1. Buona notte e sogni d'oro (Good night and sweet dreams)2. Dolci sogni (Sweet dreams)3. Notte serena (Peaceful night)4. Che tu possa dormire sonni tranquilli (May you sleep peacefully)5. Sogni leggeri (Light dreams)6. Notte stellata (Starry night)7. Che la notte ti porti pace e riposo

Sayings from mother to son

1. Always remember to be kind and respectful to others.2. Work hard and never give up on your dreams.3. Take care of yourself and prioritize your health.4. Stay true to yourself and never compromise your values.5. Believe in yourself and your abilities.6. Treat others the way you want to

Can sayings be trademarked

Yes, certain sayings or phrases can be trademarked if they are used in connection with goods or services to distinguish them from others in the marketplace. In order to be eligible for trademark protection, the saying must be used in commerce and must also be distinctive and not merely descriptive.

Crane clan sayings

1. Strength and grace, like the crane.2. In stillness, we find our power.3. The crane's patience is unmatched.4. With each step, we move closer to our goals.5. The crane teaches us balance in all things.6. Through adversity, we learn to soar.7. Our unity is our strength, like the flock