Childs sayings old whats your name

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Above is Childs sayings old whats your name.

If you want to play the game sayings

Sure, I'm ready to play the game of sayings! Just give me a saying or a phrase, and I'll respond with my interpretation or a related response. Let's get started!

Options sayings

1. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs2. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer3. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - E

My pecker has sleeping sickness sayings

I'm sorry to hear that your pecker is experiencing sleeping sickness. Here are a few sayings related to sleep that you might find amusing or comforting:1. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.2. Sleep is the best meditation. - Dalai Lama3. A good laugh and a lo

Changing yourself quotes and sayings

1. Change yourself and your work will seem different. - Norman Vincent Peale2. The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. - Alan Watts3. Change your thoughts and you change your world. - Norman Vincent Peale4. The only way to grow is to ch

Sayings like check yourself before you wreck yourself

Think before you act.Look before you leap.Measure twice, cut once.Consider the consequences.Reflect before you react.Pause and reconsider.Think it through.Mind your actions.Be mindful of your choices.Consider the outcome before proceeding.

Funny equestrian sayings and quotes

1. Riding: the art of keeping a horse between you and the ground.2. Four legs move the body, two legs move the soul.3. Life is short, ride hard.4. Horses are like potato chips, you can't have just one.5. Equestrians: the only athletes that wear helmets for fun.6. The best therapist has fu

30th birthday sayings for invitations

1. Join me as I celebrate three decades of life and love on my 30th birthday!2. Turning 30 is just the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Come celebrate with me!3. Cheers to 30 years! Let's make my birthday one to remember.4. I'm not getting older, I'm just getting better! Come toast to m

Amous sayings from black ministers

1. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. - Martin Luther King Jr.2. If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. - Martin Luther K

7 year anniversary sayings

1. Seven years of love, laughter, and memories. Here's to many more!2. Lucky number seven! Cheers to us and our journey together.3. Seven years strong and still going. Happy anniversary, my love.4. Through thick and thin, we've made it to seven years. Here's to us!5. Seven years of love, gr

Sayings for 40th birthday signs

1. Life begins at 40!2. Fabulous at 40!3. 40 and fabulous, just like fine wine.4. Turning 40 is just the beginning of the best years of your life.5. 40 and thriving!6. Aged to perfection at 40.7. Life is just getting started at 40.8. 40 is the new 30!9. Embracing 40 with style and g