Chinese fortune cooky sayings

1. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

2. "Your present plans are going to succeed."

3. "You will soon be surrounded by good friends and laughter."

4. "Opportunity knocks on your door every day, answer it."

5. "Your hard work will soon pay off."

6. "Good things come to those who wait."

7. "You will find happiness in a new venture."

8. "Your kindness will be repaid in unexpected ways."

9. "Believe in yourself and you will succeed."

10. "The best way to predict the future is to create it."

Above is Chinese fortune cooky sayings.

Quotes and sayings about uniqueness

1. Why fit in when you were born to stand out? - Dr. Seuss2. The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are. - Carl Jung3. You are enough just as you are. - Meghan Markle4. Don't be a copy, be an original. - Unknown5. In a world where you can be anything, be yourself. - Unknown

5 sayings portuguese say at christmas time in portugal

1. Feliz Natal! (Merry Christmas!)2. Boas Festas! (Happy Holidays!)3. Que o espírito natalício esteja presente em todos os lares. (May the Christmas spirit be present in every home.)4. Que esta época seja repleta de amor, paz e alegria. (May this season be filled with love, peace, and joy.)5

Sayings with bone in them

1. Stick to your guns.2. Make no bones about it.3. Bite off more than you can chew.4. Have a bone to pick.5. Chew the fat.6. Bone of contention.7. Leave no stone unturned.8. Throw someone a bone.9. Bury the hatchet.10. Break a leg.

Chopped sayings

1. Actions speak louder than words.2. A penny saved is a penny earned.3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.4. The early bird catches the worm.5. All that glitters is not gold.6. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.7. A stitch in time saves nine.8. Don't cry over spilled milk.

Sayings about love and family

1. Family is not an important thing, it's everything. - Michael J. Fox2. In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony. - Friedrich Nietzsche3. The love of family is life's greatest blessing. - Unknown4. Family is

Kim woodburn sayings

Kim Woodburn, a British television personality known for her outspoken and often confrontational demeanor, has become famous for her memorable sayings on various reality TV shows. Some of her most iconic sayings include:1. You're a two-faced bunch, chicken-livered shits.2. I'm not a bully, I'm ju

Sayings for people who don'tcare

1. Not my circus, not my monkeys.2. Not my problem, not my concern.3. I'm just here for the snacks.4. Not my business, not my drama.5. I'm just here to live my best life.6. I'm on my own wavelength.7. Not my issue, not my stress.8. I'm just cruising through life.9. I'm in my own wor

Sayings on sympathy

1. Sympathy is the understanding and sharing of another's feelings.2. Sympathy is the language of the heart.3. Sympathy is the comfort of the soul.4. Sympathy is the bridge that connects hearts in times of need.5. Sympathy is the gentle touch that heals wounds unseen.6. Sympathy is the gi

Cant sing sayings

Sure, here are some sayings that you can use instead of singing:1. Actions speak louder than words.2. A penny for your thoughts.3. All good things must come to an end.4. Better late than never.5. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.6. Every cloud has a silver lining.7. It's a pi

Christmas card sayings with wine

1. May your holidays be filled with joy, laughter, and plenty of wine!2. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year filled with good cheer and great wine.3. Cheers to a festive holiday season filled with love, laughter, and lots of wine!4. May your Christmas be merry and bright, with