Chinese restaurant sayings

1. "一分钱一分货" (yī fēn qián yī fēn huò) - You get what you pay for.

2. "百闻不如一见" (bǎi wén bù rú yī jiàn) - Seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times.

3. "食在中国,味在家" (shí zài zhōngguó, wèi zài jiā) - Food in China, taste at home.

4. "好吃不过饺子,好玩不过赛龙舟" (hǎo chī bù guò jiǎozi, hǎo wán bù guò sài lóngzhōu) - Nothing beats dumplings in terms of deliciousness, and nothing beats dragon boat racing in terms of fun.

5. "食为天,饮为乐" (shí wéi tiān, yǐn wéi lè) - Food is heaven, drink is joy.

6. "饭要一口一口吃,话要一句一句说" (fàn yào yī kǒu yī kǒu chī, huà yào yī jù yī jù shuō) - Eat your meal one bite at a time, speak your words one sentence at a time.

7. "吃得苦中苦,方为人上人" (chī dé kǔ zhōng kǔ, fāng wéi rén shàng rén) - Only by enduring the hardest hardships can one become a truly outstanding person.

Above is Chinese restaurant sayings.

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91 could not answer 35 questions on common sayings

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