Chinese sayings about betrayal

1. 落井下石 (luò jǐng xià shí) - To throw stones at someone who has fallen into a well

2. 假仁假义 (jiǎ rén jiǎ yì) - False kindness and false righteousness

3. 暗箭伤人 (àn jiàn shāng rén) - To harm someone with a hidden arrow

4. 朋友如手足,背信如杀父 (péng yǒu rú shǒu zú, bèi xìn rú shā fù) - A friend is like a limb, betraying trust is like killing one's father

5. 以怨报德 (yǐ yuàn bào dé) - To repay kindness with enmity

Above is Chinese sayings about betrayal.

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