Chinese sayings about disappointment

1. 失望之后是希望的开始。(After disappointment comes hope.)

2. 失望不是失败,只是暂时的挫折。(Disappointment is not failure, just a temporary setback.)

3. 失望是一种考验,坚持下去就会看到希望。(Disappointment is a test, persevere and you will see hope.)

4. 失望是成长的必经之路。(Disappointment is a necessary path to growth.)

5. 失望让人更加珍惜未来的幸福。(Disappointment makes people cherish future happiness even more.)

6. 失望是一种磨练,让人更加坚强。(Disappointment is a form of tempering that makes people stronger.)

7. 失望是暂时的,坚持下去就会迎来好运。(Disappointment is temporary, persevere and good luck will come.)

8. 失望是人生中的一道坎,跨过去就会看到更美好的风景。(Disappointment is a hurdle in life, once crossed, you will see a more beautiful scenery.)

Above is Chinese sayings about disappointment.

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