Chinese sayings about makeup

1. 妆容淡雅,气质高雅 (zhuāng róng dàn yǎ, qì zhì gāo yǎ) - Light makeup enhances elegance and grace.

2. 粉黛无痕,妆容精致 (fěn dài wú hén, zhuāng róng jīng zhì) - Flawless makeup creates exquisite beauty.

3. 妆容如画,美丽动人 (zhuāng róng rú huà, měi lì dòng rén) - Makeup like a painting, stunning and captivating.

4. 红粉佳人,妆容绝伦 (hóng fěn jiā rén, zhuāng róng jué lún) - A beautiful woman with flawless makeup.

5. 妆容深浅,品味独特 (zhuāng róng shēn qiǎn, pǐn wèi dú tè) - Makeup in different shades, with unique taste.

6. 粉黛佳人,妆容娇媚 (fěn dài jiā rén, zhuāng róng jiāo mèi) - A beautiful woman with charming makeup.

7. 妆容素雅,自然清新 (zhuāng róng sù yǎ, zì rán qīng xīn) - Simple and natural makeup, fresh and clean.

8. 粉黛妆容,如花美眷 (fěn dài zhuāng róng, rú huā měi juàn) - Makeup like a flower, beautiful and alluring.

Above is Chinese sayings about makeup.

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