Chinese sayings about techeres 璇存硶

Here are some Chinese sayings about teachers:

1. 师者,所以传道授业解惑也。 (Shī zhě, suǒyǐ chuán dào shòu yè jiě huò yě) - A teacher is one who imparts knowledge and dispels doubts.

2. 教书育人 (Jiāo shū yù rén) - Teaching books and educating people.

3. 师恩如山 (Shī ēn rú shān) - Teacher's kindness is as vast as a mountain.

4. 师父领进门,修行在个人 (Shīfu lǐng jìn mén, xiūxíng zài gèrén) - The teacher opens the door, but the student must walk through it.

5. 师生同舟 (Shī shēng tóng zhōu) - Teachers and students are in the same boat, meaning they are in it together.

6. 一日为师,终身为父 (Yī rì wéi shī, zhōngshēn wéi fù) - One day as a teacher, a lifetime as a father, emphasizing the long-lasting impact of a teacher.

These sayings highlight the importance and respect for teachers in Chinese culture.

Above is Chinese sayings about techeres 璇存硶.

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