Chinese tea ceremony sayings

1. "一期一会" (Yi qi yi hui) - "One time, one meeting" - emphasizing the importance of cherishing each moment and each encounter in life.

2. "茶禅一味" (Cha chan yi wei) - "Tea and Zen share the same taste" - highlighting the connection between tea drinking and Zen philosophy.

3. "静坐常思己过,闲谈莫论人非" (Jing zu chang si ji guo, xian tan mo lun ren fei) - "In quiet reflection, consider your own faults; in leisurely conversation, avoid discussing the faults of others" - promoting self-reflection and kindness in interactions.

4. "茶是心灵的镜子" (Cha shi xin ling de jing zi) - "Tea is the mirror of the soul" - suggesting that the act of preparing and drinking tea can reflect one's inner state.

5. "以茶代酒" (Yi cha dai jiu) - "Replace alcohol with tea" - advocating for the health benefits and mindfulness associated with drinking tea over alcohol.

Above is Chinese tea ceremony sayings.

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