Chinese year of the pig sayings

1. "幸福美满" (xìngfú měimǎn) - Wishing you happiness and fulfillment.

2. "福禄寿喜" (fú lù shòu xǐ) - May you have happiness, prosperity, longevity, and joy.

3. "猪事顺利" (zhū shì shùnlì) - May everything go smoothly for you.

4. "笑口常开" (xiào kǒu cháng kāi) - May you always have a smiling face.

5. "事业蒸蒸日上" (shìyè zhēngzhēng rìshàng) - May your career flourish.

6. "财源滚滚" (cáiyuán gǔngǔn) - May wealth come rolling in.

7. "家庭幸福" (jiātíng xìngfú) - Wishing your family happiness.

8. "学业有成" (xuéyè yǒuchéng) - May you succeed in your studies.

9. "健康长寿" (jiànkāng chángshòu) - Wishing you health and longevity.

10. "万事如意" (wànshì rúyì) - May all your wishes come true.

Above is Chinese year of the pig sayings.

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