Christian happy new year 2019 sayings

1. "May the Lord bless you and keep you in the coming year. Happy New Year!"

2. "As we step into the new year, may God's grace and peace be with you. Happy New Year!"

3. "May the love of God guide you in all your endeavors in 2019. Happy New Year!"

4. "Wishing you a year filled with blessings, joy, and faith. Happy New Year!"

5. "May the new year bring you closer to God and His purpose for your life. Happy New Year!"

6. "May the light of God's love shine upon you in the new year. Happy New Year!"

7. "May your faith be strengthened and your heart be filled with hope in 2019. Happy New Year!"

8. "May God's presence be with you every step of the way in the new year. Happy New Year!"

9. "May the new year be a time of spiritual growth and renewal for you. Happy New Year!"

10. "Wishing you a blessed and prosperous new year filled with God's grace. Happy New Year!"

Above is Christian happy new year 2019 sayings.

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