Christian sayings for advent

1. "Prepare the way of the Lord."

2. "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

3. "Come, Lord Jesus, come."

4. "Rejoice, for unto us a child is born."

5. "O come, O come, Emmanuel."

6. "Hope is on the horizon."

7. "The promise of Christmas is hope."

8. "Let every heart prepare Him room."

9. "The greatest gift of all is Jesus."

10. "In the midst of darkness, a light shines."

Above is Christian sayings for advent.

Cross country t-shirt sayings

1. Run wild, run free2. Miles of smiles3. Cross country is my happy place4. Eat, sleep, run, repeat5. Leave nothing but footprints6. Cross country: where the miles make the memories7. Running on empty, leaving it all on the course8. Cross country: the ultimate endurance test9. Embra

Broken hearted sayings for him

1. You were my everything, but now my heart is shattered.2. I thought you were my forever, but now I'm left with a broken heart.3. You were the one I trusted with my heart, but now it's in pieces.4. I never knew heartbreak until you walked away.5. You were the love of my life, now you're th

Mary poppins chimney sweep sayings

1. Chim chim cher-ee, chim chim cher-oo!2. A sweep is as lucky, as lucky can be.3. Up where the smoke is all billered and curled, 'tween pavement and stars, is the chimney sweep world.4. A sweep's as lucky as lucky can be, chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-ee!5. A sweep is as luc

Spring festival sayings

1. Blossom into happiness this spring festival.2. May the colors of spring bring joy to your heart.3. Celebrate the season of renewal with laughter and love.4. Wishing you a blooming good time at the spring festival.5. May your spirits soar as high as the kites in the sky.6. Let the music

Famous adam west batman sayings

1. To the Batmobile!2. Holy [insert object], Batman!3. I'm Batman.4. Crime doesn't pay, unless you're a criminal!5. Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!6. It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.7. In the end, we're all alone, and no one's coming to save you.

Chinese sayings about dragons

1. 龙飞凤舞 (lóng fēi fèng wǔ) - The dragon soars and the phoenix dances. This saying is used to describe a grand and magnificent scene.2. 龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞 (lóng shēng lóng, fèng shēng fèng, lǎo shǔ de ér zi huì dǎ dòng) - Dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and the son of

Common sayings with brain

1. Use your brain.2. Brainstorm ideas.3. Rack your brain.4. Put your thinking cap on.5. Wrap your brain around it.6. Brain over brawn.7. Brain drain.8. Brain teaser.9. Brain power.10. Brainwave.

Best friend quotes quotes and sayings

1. A best friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have. 2. A true friend is the greatest of all blessings. 3. Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they're always there. 4. A best friend is someone who makes you laugh even when you think you'

Shooter sayings

1. Aim small, miss small.2. Shoot first, ask questions later.3. One shot, one kill.4. Shoot straight, stay alive.5. In the crosshairs of fate.6. Bullets speak louder than words.7. The only easy day was yesterday.8. Keep your eyes on the target, not the distractions.9. Shoot fast, sh

Birthday sayings for grandma

1. Grandma, you are the heart of our family and the light of our lives. Happy birthday!2. To the woman who has always been there for me with love and wisdom, happy birthday, Grandma!3. Grandma, your love and kindness have shaped me into the person I am today. Wishing you a birthday filled with