Christianity greek sayings

Here are a few Greek sayings related to Christianity:

1. "Δόξα τω Θεώ" (Doxa to Theo) - Glory to God

2. "Αγάπη και ειρήνη" (Agapi kai eirini) - Love and peace

3. "Πίστη, Ελπίδα, Αγάπη" (Pisti, Elpida, Agapi) - Faith, Hope, Love

4. "Ο Θεός είναι αγάπη" (O Theos einai agapi) - God is love

5. "Χάρις και ειρήνη από τον Θεό" (Charis kai eirini apo ton Theo) - Grace and peace from God

These sayings reflect the core values and beliefs of Christianity, emphasizing love, faith, peace, and grace.

Above is Christianity greek sayings.

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