Christmas card sayings with ho ho ho

1. Wishing you a ho ho ho-liday season filled with joy and laughter!

2. May your Christmas be merry and bright, with lots of ho ho ho's in sight!

3. Sending you warm wishes and lots of ho ho ho's this holiday season.

4. Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas! May your days be filled with love and cheer.

5. Wishing you a jolly Christmas filled with ho ho ho's and happiness.

6. May your Christmas be as joyful as Santa's famous ho ho ho!

7. Ho ho ho, it's the most wonderful time of the year! Merry Christmas!

8. Sending you a sleigh full of ho ho ho's and holiday cheer this Christmas.

9. May your Christmas be merry and bright, with plenty of ho ho ho's in sight!

10. Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Above is Christmas card sayings with ho ho ho.

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