Christmas sayings and wishes

1. "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!"

2. "May your Christmas be filled with joy, love, and laughter."

3. "Wishing you a season of blessings and peace."

4. "May the magic of Christmas fill your heart with warmth and happiness."

5. "Sending you love and good wishes for a wonderful Christmas."

6. "May your home be filled with the joy of the Christmas season."

7. "Wishing you a Christmas filled with love, laughter, and good cheer."

8. "May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace and happiness."

9. "Sending you warm wishes for a joyous Christmas celebration."

10. "May your Christmas be merry and bright, and your New Year be filled with hope and promise."

Above is Christmas sayings and wishes.

Famous sayings about togetherness

1. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. - Helen Keller2. Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. - Henry Ford3. Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. - Mattie Stepane

Popular quotes and sayings about love

1. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle2. The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. - Audrey Hepburn3. Love is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry4. Love is like the wind, you can't see it but

Barbie sayings

1. You can be anything you want to be.2. Life is a party, dress like it.3. Dream big and sparkle on.4. Always be yourself, unless you can be Barbie.5. Who says diamonds are a girl's best friend? I think it's hairspray.6. Pink isn't just a color, it's an attitude.7. Life is better in pla

Pipe sayings

1. Smoking the peace pipe.2. Don't let the pipe dreams distract you from reality.3. It's time to put down the pipe and face the music.4. He who smokes the pipe of wisdom, shall find clarity.5. The pipe of friendship is never broken.6. A watched pipe never boils.7. The pipe of patience i

Sayings said wrongs

Here are a few examples of sayings that are commonly said incorrectly:1. I could care less - The correct saying is actually I couldn't care less, meaning that you care so little that it is impossible to care any less.2. For all intensive purposes - The correct saying is for all intents and pu

Another word for common sayings

Another word for common sayings is proverbs or adages.

Cousin quotes and sayings from cousin

1. Cousins are connected heart to heart, distance and time can't break them apart.2. Cousins are childhood playmates who grow up to be forever friends.3. Cousins are like stars, you may not always see them but you know they're always there.4. Cousins by blood, friends by choice.5. Cousins a

Dissatisfaction quotes sayings

1. The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open. - Chuck Palahniuk2. The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think. - David Icke3. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settl

Funny sayings fitness

1. I workout because I know I would be the first to die in the Hunger Games.2. I don't sweat, I sparkle.3. I run because punching people is frowned upon.4. I have a love-hate relationship with burpees. I love to hate them.5. I'm not sweating, I'm just leaking awesome.6. I workout because

Bones halloween sayings

1. Bone-chillingly good time!2. Wishing you a spooktacular Halloween!3. Skeletons and bones, oh my!4. Creepin' it real this Halloween!5. Have a ghoulishly good time!6. Bones rattling, spirits rising!7. Trick or treat, give me something good to eat, like bones!8. Bone-afide Halloween f