Christmas sayings for children

1. "Santa Claus is coming to town!"

2. "Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose..."

3. "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!"

4. "Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!"

5. "Frosty the snowman, was a jolly happy soul..."

6. "May your days be merry and bright!"

7. "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!"

8. "Deck the halls with boughs of holly!"

9. "Joy to the world, the Lord has come!"

10. "Believe in the magic of Christmas!"

Above is Christmas sayings for children.

Cool marching band sayings

1. Marching to the beat of our own drum2. Band together, play together3. Step by step, note by note, we march as one4. In harmony we stand, in rhythm we march5. Brass, woodwinds, percussion - united we march6. From the field to the stands, we bring the music to life7. Drumming up school

Country music and beer thats why im here sayings

1. Country music and beer, the perfect pair for a good time.2. Life is better with country music and beer in hand.3. Country music and beer, the soundtrack to my weekend.4. In a world full of chaos, country music and beer bring me peace.5. Country music and beer: the recipe for a good ol' t

Diy herb sayings

1. Basil, parsley, thyme and sage, bring flavor to every page.2. Rosemary for remembrance, mint for good intentions.3. Chives for luck, dill for love, herbs from the garden sent from above.4. Sow the seeds of kindness, reap the harvest of joy.5. In the garden of life, parsley is the spice o

Old indian sayings quotes

1. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.2. The only way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.3. A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.4. The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth o

Bugs bunny st patrick's day sayings

1. What's up, doc? Happy St. Patrick's Day!2. I may be a rabbit, but today I'm feeling lucky!3. I don't need a four-leaf clover, I've got my carrot!4. Hoppy St. Patrick's Day to all my pals!5. I'm not just any bunny, I'm a lucky bunny on St. Patrick's Day!6. May the luck of the Irish be w

Short bird sayings

1. Early bird catches the worm.2. Birds of a feather flock together.3. A little bird told me.4. Free as a bird.5. Sing like a bird.6. Fine feathers make fine birds.7. Birds of a feather stick together.8. The early bird gets the worm.9. Like a bird in the hand.10. A bird in the han

Traditional chinese sayings

1. 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。 (Time is money, but money cannot buy time.)2. 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。 (Only by enduring hardship can one become truly outstanding.)3. 不怕慢,就怕站。 (It's not about being slow, it's about standing still.)4. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。 (Misfortune may be a blessing in disguise.)5. 水滴石穿,不是力量大,而是功夫深。 (Drip

2pac sayings about friends

Here are some quotes by Tupac Shakur (2Pac) about friends:1. I'd rather have no friends than fake ones.2. Only God can judge me, so I'm gone, either love me or leave me alone.3. I don't have no fear of death. My only fear is coming back reincarnated.4. My mama always used to tell me: 'If you

Sayings like luck favours the bold

Fortune favors the brave.

Decorative bed pillows with sayings

Decorative bed pillows with sayings can add a fun and personalized touch to your bedroom decor. Here are some ideas for sayings that you can consider for your pillows:1. Sweet Dreams2. Love You to the Moon and Back3. Goodnight, Sleep Tight4. Home Sweet Home5. Always Kiss Me Goodnight6. Yo