Christmas sayings hockey

1. "Skate through the snow, and score some goals on Christmas Day!"

2. "May your Christmas be filled with slap shots and hat tricks!"

3. "Wishing you a holiday season that's a real 'slapshot' of joy!"

4. "On the ice or under the tree, may your Christmas be filled with glee!"

5. "From our hockey family to yours, Merry Christmas and a winning New Year!"

6. "May your Christmas be as fast-paced and exciting as a hockey game!"

7. "Ho, ho, hockey! Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with puck drops and power plays!"

8. "May your Christmas be a hat trick of happiness, health, and harmony!"

9. "Skating into the holiday season with stick in hand and Christmas cheer in heart!"

10. "In the game of life, may your Christmas be a championship win!"

Above is Christmas sayings hockey.

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