Chuck sayings

1. "I don't need a weapon. I am one."

2. "I'm not a superhero. I'm a Chuck Norris."

3. "I can divide by zero."

4. "I don't get older, I level up."

5. "I don't sleep, I wait."

6. "I can slam a revolving door."

7. "I can count to infinity, twice."

8. "I don't do push-ups. I push the Earth down."

9. "I don't read books. I stare them down until I get the information I want."

10. "I don't need luck, luck needs me."

Above is Chuck sayings.

Be one with sayings

Be the change you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

Busch beer button sayings

1. Grab a cold one and relax2. Life is brew-tiful3. Cheers to good times4. Keep it chill with Busch5. Sip, sip, hooray!6. Taste the adventure7. Raise a glass to the great outdoors8. Busch: Where every can is a celebration9. Embrace the brew-tiful moments10. Refreshing moments, one

Raksha bandhan 2015 sayings

Here are some sayings and quotes that are commonly associated with Raksha Bandhan:1. A bond of love, a bond of togetherness, its a thread that binds, our life and our hearts. Happy Raksha Bandhan!2. Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'

Common sayings that originated from the bible

1. A drop in the bucket - Isaiah 40:152. A house divided against itself cannot stand - Mark 3:253. A labor of love - Thessalonians 1:34. A leopard cannot change its spots - Jeremiah 13:235. A man after his own heart - Samuel 13:146. A multitude of sins - James 5:207. A thorn in the fles

Common wiccan sayings

1. Blessed be.2. As above, so below.3. An' it harm none, do what ye will.4. So mote it be.5. The power of three times three, this spell bound around shall be.6. By the light of the moon.7. In perfect love and perfect trust.8. As the wheel turns, so mote it be.9. By the power of the

Kurdish father daughter sayings

1. A father is a daughter's first love.2. A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart.3. A daughter is a father's pride and joy.4. A father holds his daughter's hand for a while, but he holds her heart forever.5. A daughter is a treasure that a father cherishes fo

Halloween sayings for church signs

1. Jesus is the light in the darkness of Halloween.2. Trick or treat, Jesus is sweet!3. No tricks, just treats from God.4. Don't be scared, God is always there.5. Jesus is the ultimate treat, no costume required.6. Halloween is a time for treats, but Jesus is the ultimate gift.7. In a w

Gaelic sayings for the dead

1. Go ndéana Dia trócaire ar a anam - May God have mercy on his/her soul2. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam - May his/her soul be at the right hand of God3. Ní bheidh a leithéid ann arís - There will never be another like him/her4. Is trua nach bhfuil sé/sí linn inniu - It's a pity he/she is not

Late night diaper change sayings

1. Changing diapers by moonlight, a nightly ritual that keeps us tight.2. In the darkness of the night, we change diapers with all our might.3. Late night diaper changes, a labor of love that never changes.4. When the world is asleep, we're up changing diapers, our love runs deep.5. In the

50s slang sayings

1. Cool cat - A stylish and confident person2. Far out - Amazing or impressive3. Dig it - Understand or appreciate something4. Daddy-o - A term of address for a man5. Sock hop - A dance party6. Greaser - A person with a rebellious or tough image7. Beatnik - A person who is part of the