Church marquees new years sayings

1. "New Year, New Beginnings, Same God"

2. "Start the New Year with Faith, Hope, and Love"

3. "Let God's Light Guide You in the New Year"

4. "New Year, New Blessings Await"

5. "Trust in God's Plan for the New Year"

6. "May Your New Year Be Filled with God's Grace"

7. "Step into the New Year with God by Your Side"

8. "New Year, Same God, Endless Love"

9. "Embrace the New Year with Faith and Courage"

10. "God's Promises are New Every Morning"

Above is Church marquees new years sayings.

Cute fridge magnet sayings

1. You're the cheese to my macaroni.2. Love you to the fridge and back.3. Home is where the snacks are.4. You're the peanut butter to my jelly.5. Life is short, eat the cake.6. I love you more than pizza.7. You're the sprinkles on my ice cream.8. Good food, good mood.9. Together we

Baby onesie sayings for grandma

1. Grandma's Little Sweetheart2. Grandma's Sidekick3. Grandma's Little Love Bug4. Grandma's Little Angel5. Grandma's Favorite Snuggle Buddy6. Grandma's Little Sunshine7. Grandma's Little Miracle8. Grandma's Little Star9. Grandma's Little Blessing10. Grandma's Little Joy

Christian mask sayings

1. Jesus is my shield and protector.2. God's love covers all.3. Let your light shine through the mask.4. In God we trust, even in uncertain times.5. Faith over fear.6. God is our refuge and strength.7. Pray without ceasing, even behind the mask.8. God's grace is sufficient.9. Love t

You are the yin to my yang sayings

You are the yin to my yang, the light to my darkness, the calm to my chaos.

Dwarf saying sayings

1. A dwarf's heart is as big as a mountain.2. Good things come in small packages.3. It's not the size of the dwarf in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dwarf.4. Even the smallest dwarf can cast a long shadow.5. A dwarf's strength lies in their resilience and determination.6. In

Stubborn quotes and sayings

1. I'm not stubborn, I'm just determined.2. Stubbornness is a virtue when you're right, a vice when you're wrong.3. I may be stubborn, but at least I'm consistent.4. A stubborn person is someone who won't change their mind, even when they know they're wrong.5. Stubbornness is the key to suc

Famous sayings about groundhog day

1. Groundhog Day is a lot like a rock concert but the people are better behaved and there's a groundhog. - Bill Murray2. Groundhog Day is a day of reflection, not just for the groundhog, but for us as well. - Unknown3. Groundhog Day is a reminder that even the smallest creatures can have a big

Square peg in a round hole similar sayings

1. Trying to fit a square peg into a round hole2. Trying to force a square peg into a round hole3. Trying to fit a square peg into a round slot4. Trying to fit a square peg into a circular opening5. Trying to fit a square peg into a round mold6. Trying to fit a square peg into a circular space7. Try

Australian bush sayings

1. Flat out like a lizard drinking - meaning very busy or working hard2. As dry as a dead dingo's donger - describing something very dry3. Mad as a cut snake - meaning crazy or irrational4. Built like a brick dunny - describing someone strong or sturdy5. Happy as a pig in mud - feeling con

Call to action sayings

1. Take action now, don't wait for tomorrow.2. Make a difference today, act with purpose.3. Step up and make a change, the time is now.4. Don't just talk about it, do something about it.5. Be the change you wish to see in the world.6. Seize the moment and take action.7. Stand up, speak