Church sign sayings about being on fire for god

1. "Ignite your faith and let God's love burn within you."

2. "Fan the flames of your passion for God."

3. "Set your heart ablaze with the fire of the Holy Spirit."

4. "Be a wildfire of faith, spreading God's love wherever you go."

5. "Let your light shine brightly for God, like a burning torch in the darkness."

6. "Burn with a passion for God that cannot be extinguished."

7. "Fuel your soul with the fire of God's love."

8. "Be a living sacrifice, consumed by the fire of God's presence."

9. "Let the fire of God's Spirit refine and purify you."

10. "May your faith be a blazing beacon of hope for all to see."

Above is Church sign sayings about being on fire for god.

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