Church sign sayings about taking god's name in vain

1. "Using God's name in vain is not a joke, it's a sin."

2. "Respect God's name, don't use it in vain."

3. "God's name is holy, don't take it in vain."

4. "Let your words honor God, not take His name in vain."

5. "Using God's name in vain is a disrespect to His holiness."

6. "Think before you speak, especially when it comes to God's name."

7. "God's name is not a casual expression, treat it with reverence."

8. "Taking God's name in vain is a reflection of the condition of your heart."

9. "Speak words of love and respect, not words that take God's name in vain."

10. "Using God's name in vain is a sign of a careless and irreverent heart."

Above is Church sign sayings about taking god's name in vain.

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