Church sign sayings fall

1. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

2. "In the season of change, find strength in God's unchanging love."

3. "As the leaves fall, let go of worries and trust in God's plan."

4. "Autumn leaves remind us that beauty can be found in letting go."

5. "Let your faith be as vibrant as the colors of fall."

6. "In the season of harvest, may we reap blessings from the seeds of faith we have sown."

7. "Just as the trees shed their leaves, let go of burdens and find renewal in God's grace."

8. "Fall is a reminder that change can be beautiful when we trust in God's timing."

9. "As the days grow shorter, let your faith shine brighter."

10. "In the season of thanksgiving, may we be grateful for the blessings of each falling leaf."

Above is Church sign sayings fall.

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