Church sign sayings for bread of life

1. "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry." - John 6:35

2. "Feast on the bread of life and be satisfied."

3. "Nourish your soul with the bread of life."

4. "The bread of life sustains us in body and spirit."

5. "Taste and see that the Lord is good, the true bread of life."

6. "Find true fulfillment in the bread of life."

7. "Savor the sweetness of the bread of life."

8. "Let the bread of life be your daily sustenance."

9. "The bread of life brings us true nourishment."

10. "Come to the table of the Lord and partake of the bread of life."

Above is Church sign sayings for bread of life.

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Old time expressions sayings

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