Church sign sayings for may

1. "May your faith be stronger than your fears."

2. "May your heart be filled with love and kindness."

3. "May your prayers be answered with blessings."

4. "May your life be guided by God's grace."

5. "May your actions reflect the teachings of Jesus."

6. "May your joy be contagious to those around you."

7. "May your words be a source of encouragement to others."

8. "May your presence bring peace to those in need."

9. "May your faith in God's plan be unwavering."

10. "May your journey be filled with hope and purpose."

Above is Church sign sayings for may.

Fairies and nature sayings

1. Fairies are invisible and inaudible like angels. But their magic sparkles in nature. - Lynn Holland2. Nature is the art of God, and fairies are the whispers of the wind. - Unknown3. Fairies are the guardians of nature's beauty, protecting the delicate balance of the natural world. - Unknown

Love u forever sayings

1. I will love you until the stars go out and the tides no longer turn.2. My love for you is eternal, it will never fade or diminish.3. You are my forever and always, my love for you knows no end.4. I promise to love you for all of eternity, through every high and low.5. No matter what life

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Puerto rican sayings in english

1. Brega y no te rajes - Work hard and don't give up2. Dale pa'lante - Keep moving forward3. Lo que no mata, engorda - What doesn't kill you makes you stronger4. Pa'lante, pa'tras ni pa' coger impulso - Forward, not backward, not even to gain momentum5. El que no llora, no mama -

Church billboard sayings thanksgiving

1. Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.2. Grateful hearts, thankful souls.3. Count your blessings, not your problems.4. Thanksgiving is more than a holiday, it's a way of life.5. In all things, give thanks.6. Gratitude turns what we have into enough.7. Thankful hearts are happy heart

Cheerleading sayings for competition

1. Stronger together, fiercer apart.2. Hit it hard, hit it fast, make this routine our past.3. Leave it all on the mat, show them what we're made of.4. We came to win, we came to fight, we'll shine bright under the lights.5. Fearless, flawless, ready to dominate.6. One team, one dream, le

Chinese sayings for 60th birthday

1. 六旬如意 (liù xún rú yì) - May your sixtieth birthday be full of joy and good fortune.2. 花甲之年 (huā jiǎ zhī nián) - Celebrating the age of sixty.3. 耄耋之年 (mào dié zhī nián) - Reaching the age of sixty, a time of wisdom and experience.4. 六十寿辰 (liù shí shòu chén) - Wishing you a happy sixtieth birthday.5

New words eponyms and sayings

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Osho and technique and quotes and sayings

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Greek sayings about friends

1. Φίλος αληθινός είναι αυτός που είναι δίπλα σου στις δύσκολες στιγμές. (A true friend is the one who is by your side in difficult times.)2. Ο φίλος είναι ένας άλλος εσύ. (A friend is another you.)3. Ο φίλος είναι ο καθρέφτης της ψυχής σου. (A friend is the mirror of your soul.)4. Ο φίλος εί