Church sign sayings for time change
1. "Fall back, spring forward, but always move forward in faith."
2. "Don't forget to set your clocks back, but never forget to set your heart forward."
3. "As we change our clocks, let's remember the timeless love of God."
4. "Time may change, but God's love remains constant."
5. "Spring forward in faith, fall back on God's grace."
6. "Time may change, but God's promises are everlasting."
7. "Don't let the time change distract you from the eternal truth of God's love."
8. "Adjust your clocks, but keep your faith unwavering."
9. "As we turn back time, let's turn our hearts towards God."
10. "Time changes, but God's love endures forever."
Above is Church sign sayings for time change.
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