Churchill sayings kbo

Here are some famous quotes by Winston Churchill:

1. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

2. "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

3. "The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty."

4. "Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen."

5. "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."

6. "We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out."

7. "The price of greatness is responsibility."

8. "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."

9. "To improve is to change, so to be perfect is to have changed often."

10. "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

These are just a few of the many insightful and memorable quotes attributed to Winston Churchill.

Above is Churchill sayings kbo.

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