Chuvash sayings

Here are a few Chuvash sayings:

1. "Пăр чĕнĕ канăш чĕнĕ." (Par chenĕ kanăsh chenĕ) - "Every cloud has a silver lining."

2. "Атĕм чăнчĕн кăнчăн." (Atem chanchen kanchan) - "A friend in need is a friend indeed."

3. "Пурнăç пурнăçăн пурнăç." (Purnach purnachan purnach) - "Little by little, a little becomes a lot."

4. "Сăнăç пурнăçăн кăнчăн." (Sanach purnachan kanchan) - "Patience is the key to success."

5. "Иртнĕн кăнчăн канăш." (Irtnen kanchan kanash) - "The early bird catches the worm."

These sayings reflect the wisdom and values of the Chuvash people.

Above is Chuvash sayings.

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