Clever 40th birthday sayings

1. "Turning 40 is just like turning 30, but with more wisdom and a few more wrinkles."

2. "Life begins at 40, so get ready for the best chapter yet!"

3. "40 is the new 30... until you try to hang out with a 30-year-old."

4. "They say life begins at 40, but I say it's just getting started!"

5. "Forty and fabulous, just like fine wine getting better with age."

6. "At 40, you're not getting older, you're getting better."

7. "40 is the perfect age – old enough to know better, young enough to still do it."

8. "Welcome to the fabulous 40s club – where the fun never stops!"

9. "Life is like a camera – focus on the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don't work out, take another shot at 40!"

10. "They say 40 is the new 30, but let's be real – 40 is even better!"

Above is Clever 40th birthday sayings.

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