Clever cheer sayings

1. "We've got the spirit, yes we do! We've got the spirit, how 'bout you?"

2. "We're here to win, we're here to fight, we're here to cheer with all our might!"

3. "When we say victory, you say team! Victory, team, victory, team!"

4. "We're loud, we're proud, we're ready to shout! Let's go team, let's win this bout!"

5. "We're fierce, we're strong, we'll cheer all day long! Go team, go team, you can't go wrong!"

6. "We're fired up, we're ready to go, watch out opponents, here we go!"

7. "We've got the moves, we've got the groove, watch out team, we're on the move!"

8. "We're the best, we're number one, watch us cheer until we're done!"

9. "We're united, we're strong, we'll cheer all game long!"

10. "We're loud, we're proud, we'll cheer you on through every round!"

Above is Clever cheer sayings.

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