Clever doormat sayings

1. "Come back with a warrant."

2. "Please hide packages from my husband."

3. "Ring the doorbell and let the dog decide."

4. "Beware of wife, kids are also shady."

5. "Welcome, but don't expect much."

6. "Please remove your shoes and your problems."

7. "If you forgot the wine, go home."

8. "This house runs on love, laughter, and lots of coffee."

9. "Knock softly, we're probably napping."

10. "No soliciting, unless you're selling cookies."

Above is Clever doormat sayings.

Thoughtful sayings for employees

1. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer2. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs3. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. - Robert

Fetty wap sayings

Here are some popular sayings and catchphrases associated with Fetty Wap:1. 1738 - a reference to Fetty Wap's crew, Remy Boyz 17382. Yeah baby! - often exclaimed by Fetty Wap in his songs3. Squad! - used to refer to his crew or team4. Zoovier - a nickname for Fetty Wap5. Remy Boyz - his cr

Religious sayings from handmaid& 39

1. Blessed be the fruit.2. Praise be.3. Under his eye.4. May the Lord open.5. Gilead is within you.6. The truth is in the word.7. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.8. Faith will be rewarded.9. Trust in His plan.10. Let His will be done.

As scared as a sayings

As scared as a rabbit caught in the headlights.

Funny sayings for 40th birthday card

1. Turning 40 is like turning 21 in Celsius.2. Life begins at 40... but so do those pesky gray hairs!3. 40 and fabulous... just like fine wine, you only get better with age.4. You're not 40, you're 18 with 22 years of experience!5. 40 is the new 30... until you try to hang out with 30-year-

Hershey sayings

Here are some popular Hershey's sayings and slogans:1. The Great American Chocolate Bar2. A Hershey's a day keeps the doctor away3. Pure Hershey's Happiness4. Hershey's: The Sweetest Place on Earth5. Hershey's Makes the World a Sweeter Place6. Indulge in Hershey's Bliss7. Life is sweete

Gomer pyle funny sayings

Here are some funny sayings from the character Gomer Pyle, played by Jim Nabors, from the TV show Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.:1. Shazam!2. Surprise, surprise, surprise!3. Well, golllllly!4. Golly, Sergeant Carter!5. I'm just a simple country boy.6. I'm as happy as a pig in slop!7. Well, I'll

Best spanish sayings love

1. El amor todo lo puede. (Love can do anything.)2. El amor es ciego. (Love is blind.)3. Amor de lejos, felices los cuatro. (Long-distance love, happy are the four.)4. Donde hay amor, hay vida. (Where there is love, there is life.)5. El amor es como la salsa mayonesa: cuando se corta, hay q

Cool sayings and quotes for t-shirts

1. Be the change you wish to see in the world.2. Stay wild, moon child.3. Good vibes only.4. Adventure awaits.5. Not all who wander are lost.6. Choose kindness.7. Live in the moment.8. Dream big, work hard.9. Find joy in the journey.10. Embrace the chaos.

Sayings guinea pig quotes

1. A guinea pig is a bundle of joy with whiskers. 2. Life is better with a guinea pig by your side. 3. Guinea pigs may be small, but their love is mighty. 4. Happiness is a guinea pig snuggle session. 5. In a world full of chaos, guinea pigs bring peace. 6. Guinea pigs: the ultimate stres