Clever sayings to ask a girl to homecoming

1. "I'd be over the moon if you'd be my date to homecoming."

2. "I'm no mathematician, but I think you + me at homecoming = a perfect equation."

3. "Roses are red, violets are blue, will you be my date to homecoming? I promise it'll be a night to remember."

4. "If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together at homecoming."

5. "I may not be a genie, but I can make your homecoming wish come true if you say yes."

6. "I'd be honored if you'd grace me with your presence at homecoming."

7. "They say laughter is the best medicine, so how about we cure our homecoming blues together?"

8. "I must be a magician because with one word from you, I'll make this homecoming unforgettable."

9. "I've got two tickets to paradise, and I'd love for you to be my +1 at homecoming."

10. "Life's a dance, and I'd love to twirl you around the dance floor at homecoming."

Above is Clever sayings to ask a girl to homecoming.

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