Cliche mom sayings

1. "Because I said so, that's why."

2. "I'll always love you, no matter what."

3. "Money doesn't grow on trees."

4. "Don't make that face, it'll stay that way."

5. "You'll understand when you're older."

6. "I'm not your maid, clean up after yourself."

7. "I brought you into this world, I can take you out."

8. "Do as I say, not as I do."

9. "You'll thank me later."

10. "I'm not just your mother, I'm your best friend."

Above is Cliche mom sayings.

Sun sayings short

1. Chase the sun, but keep your face to the sunshine.2. The sun will rise and set regardless. What we choose to do with the light while it's here is up to us.3. Let the sun shine on your soul.4. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.5. The sun is a daily reminder that we too

Auto parts sayings

1. Without auto parts, a car is just a fancy paperweight.2. The right auto part can make all the difference between a smooth ride and a bumpy one.3. A car is only as good as the quality of its parts.4. Auto parts are the building blocks of a well-functioning vehicle.5. When it comes to auto

Soft t shirts with sayings

Soft t-shirts with sayings are a popular choice for those looking to make a statement with their clothing while staying comfortable. Here are some options for soft t-shirts with sayings that you might like:1. Good Vibes Only - A positive and uplifting message that can brighten up your day.2. Be K

African bush sayings

1. The elephant does not get tired of its tusks.2. A tree is known by its fruit.3. The lion does not turn around when a small dog barks.4. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.5. The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmt

Personalized sayings for mom

1. A mother's love is the heart of the family.2. Mom: the glue that holds us all together.3. To the world, you may be one person, but to me, you are the world, Mom.4. A mother's hug lasts long after she lets go.5. Mom, your love is the greatest gift I've ever received.6. Thank you for bei

Sayings about getting even

1. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.2. Revenge is a dish best served cold.3. Living well is the best revenge.4. Don't get mad, get even.5. The best revenge is massive success.6. Karma has no menu, you get served what you deserve.7. If you want to get even, just be better.8

Sayings that are no longer appropriate

1. Boys will be boys.2. That's so gay.3. You throw like a girl.4. That's retarded.5. Indian giver.6. Gypsy curse.7. Crazy as a loon.8. Eskimo kiss.9. Chinese whispers.10. Going Dutch.

Old people sayings quotes

1. Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. - Mark Twain2. The older I get, the more I realize that the ultimate luxury is time. - Michael Kors3. You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. - C.S. Lewis4. With age comes wisdom, but some

Excuses are like sayings

That's an interesting perspective! Excuses and sayings both involve words and expressions, but they serve different purposes. Sayings are often used to convey wisdom, advice, or cultural beliefs, while excuses are used to justify or explain away actions or behaviors. Both can have an impact on how w

Klaus sayings

1. Family is power.2. Always and forever.3. Love is a vampire's greatest weakness.4. There is no power in love, only in the actions that love inspires.5. The bonds of family are stronger than any magic.6. In this town, family is power.7. We stick together as one.8. We are the Original