Closed doors quotes and sayings

1. "When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." - Alexander Graham Bell

2. "Closed doors are not always locked; sometimes they just need to be pushed open with a little force and determination."

3. "Don't waste time looking for the key to the closed door. Instead, look for the key to the door that is waiting to be opened."

4. "Closed doors are not the end of the road, they are just detours leading you to a different path."

5. "A closed door is not a rejection, it's simply a redirection to something better."

6. "Sometimes the closed door is a blessing in disguise, protecting us from what was not meant for us."

7. "Behind every closed door, there is an opportunity waiting to be discovered."

8. "The key to unlocking closed doors is perseverance and a positive attitude."

9. "Closed doors can be a test of your faith and resilience. Keep knocking, keep believing, and eventually, the right door will open."

10. "Closed doors are not barriers, they are opportunities to explore new paths and possibilities."

Above is Closed doors quotes and sayings.

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