Cloud idioms and sayings

1. Head in the clouds - Refers to someone who is not paying attention or is daydreaming.

2. Every cloud has a silver lining - A positive way of looking at a difficult situation, suggesting that there is always something good to be found.

3. On cloud nine - Feeling extremely happy or elated.

4. Under a cloud - Refers to being in disgrace or facing suspicion.

5. Cloud cuckoo land - Refers to a place or situation that is unrealistic or impractical.

6. Cloud of suspicion - A feeling of doubt or mistrust surrounding someone or something.

7. Cloud on the horizon - Refers to a potential problem or issue that may arise in the future.

8. To have one's head in the clouds - Refers to someone who is not grounded in reality or is unrealistic.

9. To be on cloud seven - Similar to "on cloud nine," meaning to be extremely happy or content.

10. To be under a cloud - Refers to being in a state of disfavor or suspicion.

Above is Cloud idioms and sayings.

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