Coffee cup sayings funny

1. "Espresso yourself!"

2. "Life happens, coffee helps."

3. "I like my coffee like I like my mornings - dark and strong."

4. "Coffee: because adulting is hard."

5. "Coffee - because anger management is too expensive."

6. "Coffee: the most important meal of the day."

7. "Behind every successful person is a substantial amount of coffee."

8. "Coffee - because Monday happens every week."

9. "I like my coffee how I like my weekends - long and strong."

10. "Coffee: the original energy drink."

Above is Coffee cup sayings funny.

Funny sayings for easter cards

1. Hoppy Easter! Don't put all your eggs in one basket...unless it's chocolate!2. Easter is the only time it's okay to put all your eggs in one basket.3. Easter: the one day it's totally acceptable to put all your eggs in one basket.4. Easter: the day when it's perfectly normal to put all you

Andy grey sayings

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1. Don't be afraid to take a bite out of life!2. Life is sweet, so enjoy every moment!3. You're as sweet as candy, so keep shining!4. Stay sweet, stay strong, stay positive!5. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get!6. Keep spreading sweetness wherever you g

Rhyming goodnight sayings

1. Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.2. Sweet dreams, moonbeams.3. Rest well, hear the bedtime bell.4. Nighty night, sleep tight.5. Pleasant dreams, moonbeams.6. Slumber deep, drift off to sleep.7. Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.8. Dreamland awaits, close your eyes and esca

Sayings about small fry

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Funny holiday party sayings

1. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, but if the white runs out, I'll drink the red!2. Santa saw your Instagram, you're getting clothes and a Bible for Christmas.3. I'm dreaming of a silent night...without any awkward family conversations.4. I'm only a morning person on December 25th.5. I'm