Coffee mugs sayings

1. "But first, coffee."

2. "Coffee is my love language."

3. "Life begins after coffee."

4. "Coffee and friends make the perfect blend."

5. "Rise and grind."

6. "Coffee is a hug in a mug."

7. "Espresso yourself."

8. "Sip happens."

9. "May your coffee be strong and your Monday be short."

10. "Coffee: because adulting is hard."

Above is Coffee mugs sayings.

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1. I'm not clingy, I just never want to let you go.2. I cling to you because you're my everything.3. I'm like a koala, I'll cling to you forever.4. I may be clingy, but it's only because I never want to lose you.5. I'll always be by your side, clinging to your love.6. I'm not clingy, I'm

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Sadguru sayings

Spirituality is not a disability, it is a tremendous empowerment. It is not a disempowerment, it is an empowerment. Your joy, your misery, your love, your agony, your bliss, lies in your hands. Nobody else is responsible for any of it. Whatever you do, do it in style. But not necessarily in the