Coffee sayings in french

1. "Un café fort pour un esprit fort" (Strong coffee for a strong mind)

2. "La vie est trop courte pour boire du mauvais café" (Life is too short to drink bad coffee)

3. "Le café est la réponse à tout" (Coffee is the answer to everything)

4. "Sans café, je ne suis rien" (Without coffee, I am nothing)

5. "Un café par jour éloigne le stress pour toujours" (A coffee a day keeps stress away forever)

Above is Coffee sayings in french.

Food for thought similar sayings

1. Nourishment for the mind.2. Mental sustenance.3. Intellectual fodder.4. Brain fuel.5. Cognitive nutrition.6. Food for the intellect.7. Mental nourishment.8. Thought-provoking material.9. Mind-stimulating content.10. Intellectual sustenance.

Best del boy french sayings

1. C'est la vie, mon vieux! - That's life, my old friend!2. Pas de souci, mon ami! - No worries, my friend!3. Sacre bleu! - Goodness gracious!4. Ça va chauffer! - It's going to get hot!5. Fais gaffe! - Be careful!6. T'es un vrai casse-cou! - You're a real daredevil!7. T'es un sacré numé

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1. You are mine to command and please.2. Your obedience brings me pleasure.3. Serve me with devotion and loyalty.4. Your submission is a gift that I cherish.5. I will guide and protect you as my submissive.6. Your trust in me is a precious gift.7. Your submission fuels my dominance.8.

Funny country folk sayings

1. He's as country as cornbread.2. Well, butter my biscuit!3. She's sweeter than a jar of honey.4. He's all hat and no cattle.5. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.6. He's as stubborn as a mule.7. She's as pretty as a peach.8. He's slicker than a greased pig.9. Well, I'l

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Worry free sayings for kids

1. Don't worry, be happy!2. Smile, it's contagious!3. Think positive thoughts!4. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.5. Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.6. Believe in yourself and all that you are.7. You

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1. Librarians are the keepers of knowledge and the guardians of imagination.2. Librarians are the real-life superheroes of the literary world.3. Librarians are the original search engines, guiding us through the vast sea of information.4. Librarians are the magic makers who can turn the pages

Funny cake sayings for birthday

1. Age is just a number, but cake is eternal.2. Life is short, eat the cake first.3. Another year older, another cake to devour.4. Cake: the ultimate anti-aging treatment.5. You can't buy happiness, but you can buy cake, and that's kind of the same thing.6. Cake: because no great story ev

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1. We came, we saw, we conquered!2. Goodbye middle school, hello high school!3. We may be leaving, but the memories will last forever.4. It's not the end, it's just the beginning.5. We're moving on up, watch out high school!6. Cheers to the class of 2023!7. We made it through the awkwar

Collection of southern sayings

1. Bless your heart. 2. Well, butter my biscuit. 3. I'm fixin' to head out. 4. He's all hat and no cattle. 5. She's sweeter than a Georgia peach. 6. That dog won't hunt. 7. Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. 8. I'm as happy as a clam at high tide. 9. You can cat