Coffee so thick sayings

1. "Coffee so thick, you could stand a spoon in it."

2. "That coffee is so thick, it's practically a meal in itself."

3. "I like my coffee so thick, it's like drinking a hug in a mug."

4. "This coffee is so thick, it's like a liquid blanket on a cold morning."

5. "I like my coffee so thick, it's like a warm, comforting embrace."

6. "This coffee is so thick, it's like a rich, velvety indulgence."

7. "Coffee so thick, it's like a decadent dessert in a cup."

8. "That coffee is so thick, it's like a cozy, caffeine-infused hug."

9. "I like my coffee so thick, it's like a luxurious treat for my taste buds."

10. "This coffee is so thick, it's like a delicious, creamy escape from reality."

Above is Coffee so thick sayings.

Very short sayings about love

1. Love conquers all.2. Love is a journey, not a destination.3. Love is the answer.4. Love knows no boundaries.5. Love is a language spoken by the heart.

Heartbeat quotes and sayings

1. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller2. The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing. - Blaise Pascal3. Listen to your own heart. That is your only teacher. - Osho4. The heart that loves

Chicago cubs famous sayings

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1. We build the bridges that bring us together.2. In the army, we don't just overcome obstacles, we engineer solutions.3. Our strength lies in our ability to adapt and innovate.4. Precision and perseverance are the cornerstones of our work.5. We pave the way for progress, one project at a t

Italian sports sayings

1. Chi non risica, non rosica - He who doesn't take risks, doesn't gain anything.2. L'importante non è vincere ma partecipare - The important thing is not to win but to take part.3. Il calcio è una questione di vita o di morte? No, è molto di più importante - Is football a matter of life

Irish sayings that make no sense

1. May the cat eat you and the devil eat the cat.2. It's a long road that has no turning.3. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.4. May the roof above us never fall in, and may we friends beneath it never fall out.5. You're as welcome as a skunk at a lawn party.6. He's as full o

Sanliurfa turkey sayings

1. Sanlıurfa'nın taşı toprağı altındır. (The stones and soil of Sanlıurfa are precious.)2. Sanlıurfa'nın suyu hoştur, balı boştur. (The water of Sanlıurfa is sweet, its honey is abundant.)3. Sanlıurfa'da her taşın altından tarih fışkırır. (In Sanlıurfa, history springs from under every stone.)

Red hen sayings

1. The early bird catches the worm.2. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.3. Like a fox in the henhouse.4. Ruffling feathers.5. Pecking order.6. Running around like a headless chicken.7. Nest egg.8. Fowl play.9. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.10. As scarce as hen's

Greg love island meme sayings

1. I've got a text! 2. I've got a text, mate!3. It is what it is.4. I'm loyal, babe.5. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to find love.6. I've got a type and it's you.7. I'm grafting.8. I'm buzzing.9. I'm proper muggy.10. I'm 100% your type on paper.

2010 slang sayings

1. YOLO - You Only Live Once2. Swag - Style or confidence3. Bae - Term of endearment for a significant other4. FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out5. Lit - Amazing or exciting6. Slay - To do something exceptionally well7. On fleek - On point or perfectly styled8. Throw shade - To insult or cri