Cold flu quotes sayings

1. "The only thing more contagious than a cold is a smile." - Unknown

2. "A cold is nature's way of telling you to slow down." - Unknown

3. "The flu is like a storm, it comes on suddenly and wreaks havoc, but eventually passes." - Unknown

4. "Having a cold is like being hugged by a snowman." - Unknown

5. "The flu reminds us that we are not invincible, but it also teaches us the importance of rest and self-care." - Unknown

6. "A cold is a reminder to appreciate the days when we are healthy and energetic." - Unknown

7. "The flu may knock us down, but it also gives us a chance to appreciate the simple joys of feeling well." - Unknown

8. "A cold is a temporary inconvenience that reminds us to be grateful for our health." - Unknown

9. "The flu may make us feel weak, but it also strengthens our appreciation for good health." - Unknown

10. "A cold is a gentle reminder from our bodies to slow down and take care of ourselves." - Unknown

Above is Cold flu quotes sayings.

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