Cold shoulder quotes and sayings

1. "Giving someone the cold shoulder is a surefire way to warm up your own heart."

2. "Sometimes the best response is silence, giving them the cold shoulder speaks volumes."

3. "I'd rather have a cold shoulder than a fake smile."

4. "The cold shoulder is the best armor against negativity."

5. "When someone gives you the cold shoulder, give them the cold truth."

6. "I don't have time for people who give me the cold shoulder, I'm too busy warming up my own life."

7. "The cold shoulder is a powerful weapon against those who try to bring you down."

8. "A cold shoulder is a reminder that not everyone deserves your warmth."

9. "Sometimes the best response to negativity is to simply turn your back and give them the cold shoulder."

10. "Don't waste your warmth on those who only give you the cold shoulder."

Above is Cold shoulder quotes and sayings.

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