Colloquial sayings in english

1. "Break a leg" - used to wish someone good luck before a performance or event

2. "Bite the bullet" - to endure a painful or difficult situation

3. "Hit the hay" - to go to bed or go to sleep

4. "Piece of cake" - something that is very easy to do

5. "Burning the midnight oil" - working late into the night

6. "Caught between a rock and a hard place" - in a difficult situation with no good options

7. "Cost an arm and a leg" - something that is very expensive

8. "Don't cry over spilled milk" - don't worry about something that has already happened and cannot be changed

9. "Jump on the bandwagon" - to join a popular trend or activity

10. "The early bird catches the worm" - those who act early or arrive first will have the best chance of success

Above is Colloquial sayings in english.

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Don't worry at all! You can share anything with me without feeling embarrassed. I'm here to help and support you. Feel free to share whatever you'd like.

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1. Rolling coal, making clouds of power.2. Diesel smoke, don't choke.3. Coal rolling, diesel growling.4. Black smoke, big power stroke.5. Rolling coal, leaving trails of torque.6. Diesel power, rolling for hours.7. Coal rolling, engine roaring.8. Big truck, big smoke, big joke.9. Ro