Cologne sayings

1. "Kölsch es die schönste Sproch!" (Kölsch is the most beautiful language!)

2. "Et kütt wie et kütt." (It comes as it comes.)

3. "Drinkste ene met?" (Would you like a drink?)

4. "Mer losse d'r Dom en Kölle." (We leave the cathedral in Cologne.)

5. "Kumm loss mer fiere!" (Come, let's celebrate!)

6. "Jede Jeck es anders." (Every fool is different.)

7. "Nix bliev wie et wor." (Nothing stays as it was.)

8. "Fastelovend es en Kölle." (Carnival is in Cologne.)

9. "Op d'r Eck es en Pittermann." (There's a pub on the corner.)

10. "Levve un levve losse." (Live and let live.)

Above is Cologne sayings.

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