Colours in proverbs and sayings

There are several proverbs and sayings that mention colors. Here are a few examples:

1. "Seeing red" - This phrase is used to describe someone who is extremely angry or upset.

2. "Green with envy" - This saying refers to someone who is jealous or envious of another person's success or possessions.

3. "In the black" - This phrase is used to describe a situation where someone is financially stable or profitable.

4. "Once in a blue moon" - This saying refers to something that happens very rarely or infrequently.

5. "Pink slip" - This term is used to describe a notice of termination from a job.

6. "Out of the blue" - This phrase is used to describe something that happens unexpectedly or without warning.

7. "Golden opportunity" - This saying refers to a chance or opportunity that is particularly valuable or advantageous.

8. "Black sheep" - This term is used to describe someone who is considered the odd one out or the troublemaker in a group.

9. "White lie" - This phrase refers to a harmless or trivial lie told to avoid hurting someone's feelings.

10. "Paint the town red" - This saying means to go out and have a wild and enjoyable time, often involving partying and celebration.

Above is Colours in proverbs and sayings.

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