Comical christmas sayings

1. "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, but if the white runs out, I'll drink the red."

2. "Santa saw your Instagram posts, you're getting a dictionary for Christmas."

3. "All I want for Christmas is for my family to stop asking me when I'm going to get a boyfriend."

4. "Christmas calories don't count, right? Asking for a friend."

5. "I'm only a morning person on December 25th."

6. "Dear Santa, I can explain..."

7. "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear... or just buy everyone wine."

8. "I'm only a Grinch until December 26th."

9. "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, but if the white runs out, I'll drink the pink."

10. "I'm only a morning person on December 25th... and when there's coffee."

Above is Comical christmas sayings.

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1. Feminism is the radical notion that women are people too.2. Empowered women empower women.3. My feminism will be intersectional or it will be bullshit. - Flavia Dzodan4. Feminism isn't about making women strong. Women are already strong. It's about changing the way the world perceives that

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Sayings about angry words

1. Angry words can create wounds that are hard to heal.2. Speaking in anger is like throwing a stone in a hornet's nest.3. Angry words spoken in haste are often regretted at leisure.4. A moment of anger can cause a lifetime of regret.5. Harsh words spoken in anger can leave lasting scars.6