Commissar sayings

1. "The Emperor's will is absolute, and we are His instruments."

2. "In the Emperor's name, we shall purge the heretics."

3. "Fear not the alien, the mutant, the heretic. Fear only failure to serve the Emperor."

4. "Only in death does duty end."

5. "The Emperor protects, but it is our duty to enforce His will."

6. "Victory is the only option, for the Emperor demands it."

7. "The weak will always be led by the strong, and the strong will always serve the Emperor."

8. "In the face of adversity, we stand united in the Emperor's name."

9. "To doubt the Emperor is to invite damnation."

10. "Through discipline and devotion, we shall triumph over all enemies of mankind."

Above is Commissar sayings.

Marching band trumpet sayings

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French sayings kitchen

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