Common angry sayings

1. "I'm so mad I could spit nails!"

2. "I'm about to blow my top!"

3. "I'm seeing red!"

4. "I'm fit to be tied!"

5. "I'm so angry I could scream!"

6. "I'm at the end of my rope!"

7. "I'm so mad I could punch a wall!"

8. "I'm fuming!"

9. "I'm about to lose it!"

10. "I'm so angry I could tear my hair out!"

Above is Common angry sayings.

20th birthday quotes and sayings

1. Cheers to 20 years of life, love, and laughter!2. May your 20th birthday be filled with joy, happiness, and unforgettable memories.3. Welcome to the roaring twenties! Happy 20th birthday!4. You're not a teenager anymore, but you're still young at heart. Happy 20th birthday!5. Here's to 2

Cajun words and sayings

1. Lagniappe - a little something extra, a bonus2. Cher - term of endearment, similar to dear or sweetheart3. Fais do-do - a Cajun dance party or social gathering4. Laissez les bons temps rouler - let the good times roll5. Fais pas ci, fais pas ça - don't do this, don't do that6. Fais dodo, cher

Plato sayings on politics

Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, had several sayings and ideas on politics. Here are a few of his notable quotes:1. One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.2. The measure of a man is what he does with power.3. The fir

Stamina sayings

1. It's not about how fast you can go, but how long you can last.2. Stamina is the ability to keep going when the going gets tough.3. Train hard, build your stamina, and conquer your limits.4. Stamina is the difference between giving up and pushing through.5. Endurance is not just the abili

Boucer sayings

1. Sorry, mate, can't let you in with those shoes.2. No ID, no entry, it's the rules.3. You've had enough to drink, time to call it a night.4. No hats allowed inside, please remove it.5. I can't let you in with that attitude, try again another night.6. You're on the guest list? Let me che

Elephant sayings poems

Here is a short poem about elephants:In the jungle, tall and grand,The mighty elephant stands.With strength and grace, it roams the land,A symbol of power, across the sands.Elephants are wise and kind,Their memory never left behind.In their eyes, a gentle soul,In their presence, we feel whole.So let

Sayings of photography

1. A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know. - Diane Arbus2. Photography is the story I fail to put into words. - Destin Sparks3. In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality. - Alfred Stieglitz4. Photography takes

Best friend betrayal sayings

1. The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies, it comes from those you trust the most.2. Betrayal is like a snake, it slithers into your life without warning and poisons everything it touches.3. A true friend stabs you in the front, not in the back.4. Betrayal i

As confident as sayings

Confidence is not 'they will like me.' Confidence is 'I'll be fine if they don't.'

Sayings about service dogs

1. A service dog is not just a pet, but a loyal companion and a true lifesaver.2. Service dogs don't just change lives, they save them.3. Service dogs are the silent heroes who work tirelessly to assist and support their human partners.4. Service dogs provide more than just assistance, they o