Common bahamian sayings

1. "When fish come from sea, they must come up to breathe." - Meaning that everyone needs a break or rest at some point.

2. "Every tub must stand on its own bottom." - Encouraging self-reliance and independence.

3. "Monkey know which tree to climb." - Implying that people know where to find opportunities or advantages.

4. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." - Advising against putting all your resources or trust in one place.

5. "One, one coco full basket." - Signifying that small efforts or contributions can add up to a significant result over time.

6. "Don't let your mouth write a check that your tail can't cash." - Warning against making promises or commitments that you can't fulfill.

7. "When you go to buy, use your eyes; when you go to sell, use your tongue." - Suggesting the importance of being observant and cautious in different situations.

8. "If you want good, your nose got to run." - Implying that hard work and effort are necessary to achieve success.

9. "A hungry man is an angry man." - Highlighting the connection between hunger and frustration or anger.

10. "You can't catch fish if you don't go to sea." - Emphasizing the importance of taking action in order to achieve your goals.

Above is Common bahamian sayings.

Cute valentine sayings for m&

1. You're the M to my M, the perfect match!2. M&M's may melt in your mouth, but my love for you will never melt away.3. You're my sweetest M&M, always bringing color to my life.4. Just like M&M's, we're better together.5. You're the M&M to my heart, always bringing a smile to my face.6. I

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Philippine cultural sayings

1. Bahala na ang Diyos. - This saying translates to Leave it to God and reflects the Filipino value of surrendering to a higher power in times of uncertainty or difficulty.2. Kapag may tiyaga, may nilaga. - This saying means If there is perseverance, there is a reward and emphasizes the impo

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Sayings definition and examples

Sayings are short, memorable expressions that convey wisdom, advice, or a general truth. They are often passed down through generations and are commonly used in everyday conversations. Here are some examples of sayings:1. Actions speak louder than words. - This saying emphasizes the importance of

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