Common dutch sayings and their meanings
1. "Hoge bomen vangen veel wind" - Literal translation: "Tall trees catch a lot of wind." Meaning: People in prominent positions or with high visibility are more likely to attract criticism or attention.
2. "Wie het eerst komt, het eerst maalt" - Literal translation: "Who comes first, eats first." Meaning: The first person to arrive or act will be the first to benefit.
3. "De kat uit de boom kijken" - Literal translation: "To watch the cat out of the tree." Meaning: To wait and see how a situation develops before taking action.
4. "Zoals het klokje thuis tikt, tikt het nergens" - Literal translation: "As the clock ticks at home, it ticks nowhere else." Meaning: Home is the best place to be, where things are most comfortable and familiar.
5. "Met de deur in huis vallen" - Literal translation: "To fall with the door into the house." Meaning: To get straight to the point without beating around the bush.
6. "Beter een vogel in de hand dan tien in de lucht" - Literal translation: "Better a bird in the hand than ten in the air." Meaning: It's better to have something certain or guaranteed than to risk losing it by aiming for something better.
7. "Wie het kleine niet eert, is het grote niet weerd" - Literal translation: "Who does not appreciate the small, is not worthy of the big." Meaning: It's important to appreciate and value the little things in life, as they can lead to greater rewards.
8. "Een appeltje voor de dorst" - Literal translation: "An apple for the thirst." Meaning: Saving or setting aside something for a rainy day or for future needs.
These are just a few examples of common Dutch sayings and their meanings.
Above is Common dutch sayings and their meanings.