Common funny sayings

1. "I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right."

2. "I'm not lazy, I'm just in energy-saving mode."

3. "I'm not clumsy, I'm just on a mission to test gravity."

4. "I'm not a control freak, but can I show you the right way to do that?"

5. "I'm not short, I'm just concentrated awesome."

6. "I'm not a morning person, I'm a coffee person."

7. "I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing."

8. "I'm not addicted to chocolate, I just have a strong relationship with it."

9. "I'm not a shopaholic, I'm helping the economy."

10. "I'm not old, I'm just a classic."

Above is Common funny sayings.

Lovely sayings for a pop

1. Dance like nobody's watching, sing like nobody's listening.2. Life is a song, sing it with joy.3. Music is the language of the soul.4. Let the rhythm of your heart guide your steps.5. In a world full of noise, be the melody.6. Music is the soundtrack of our lives.7. Find your groove

Do you have to cite common sayings

Common sayings, also known as proverbs or idioms, are considered part of the public domain and do not require citation in academic writing. However, if you are using a specific quote or saying from a well-known individual, it is good practice to provide a citation to give credit to the original sour

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